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Driveway Paved By Concrete Contractor Minneapolis St Paul MN

21 Reasons Why We Still Live in Minnesota- Despite the Winters

It’s forecasted to be an incredibly cold and snowy winter. It’s hard on our driveways, streets, backs- and mostly, on our spirits. So before the winter gets underway, we wanted to take time to remind you why we Minnesotans love it here- despite the seemingly endless winters of raging ice and snow. 21. Hotdish Can you really go wrong with tater tots, cream of mushroom soup, shredded cheese and ground

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Throw the Ultimate Driveway Tailgate

Tailgating might make fall the most enjoyable of the four seasons. There’s something about cohesive drinking, eating, and laughing before enjoying a game of football that makes the world go round. Even if you’re not looking to head to a professional stadium parking lot to crack open a Bud Light or grill a burger, who’s to say you can’t throw a tailgating party with neighbors and friends on your own

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Fall Honey-Do List

You’ll have to forgive us if we’re always talking about seasons around here, our lives kind of revolve around them. Believe it or not with this wicked heat we’re experiencing, fall is just around the corner. And just as sure as those leaves will blow and that snow will fall, there are a few things that need to be done around the house and yard to get everything in tip-top

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Make Your Very Own Sidewalk Chalk

Sidewalk chalk is one of those magical activities that brings anyone back to the carefree days of childhood. A simple hopscotch board or a mural masterpiece, there’s something about holding that colored dusty object in your hand that relieves all stress; never mind the fact that it’s a fantastic way to bond with your kids. Up for the challenge of making your own concrete driveway art supplies? We think it

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Adding Curb Appeal

Adding curb appeal to your home not only makes you feel more proud as an owner, but can really up your chances of selling to potential homebuyers; would you want to see what was inside your house judging it from the outside? Here are a few simple ways to seize the season and give your place its long overdue face lift. Paint your front door! Why not make that focal

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Five years can be a long time…

…depending on the people you collect as family, friends and neighbors. We’ve all had them and we’ve all made them. Crazy relatives and stupid mistakes, that is. At Richfield Blacktop and Concrete, we strive to not only improve your property with a fantastic paved surface, whether it’s a driveway, sidewalk, patio or garage floor, but also are determined to help you keep it looking and performing beautifully over time. Our

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Breaking news: Garage beats out Deck, Patio to take 2nd place this season!

Some things in our daily lives get little respect and appreciation. We often take for granted daily blessings when we get used to them: Electricity, a hot shower, air in our vehicle’s tires when it’s time to drive, nice weather, wifi hot spots, safe roads, mail delivery, open grocery stores, good health. Until something breaks down in some way, life just floats happily along without one-more-thing to add to the

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Concrete vs. Blacktop — How do I choose?

Whether it’s time for your current home to replace its driveway or you’re building a new home and need to start from scratch, navigating the driveway world can be a bit of an intimidating subject. This blog post intends to help simplify all pros and cons of the asphalt vs. concrete debate. Asphalt and concrete are the two most popular types of material for paving a driveway and what we

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‘tis the season to bring the indoors – outdoors

Now that summer weather is upon us in Minnesota, our outside lawns, gardens, patios and even driveways become extended “living space” for a few long-awaited months. Enjoying outdoor living space is becoming more popular than ever with “staycations” and home entertaining at an all-time high.  Trends in outdoor rooms and furnishings are a natural invitation to enjoy time with your family and friends in the warm open air. Functional and

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